Hi guys in this session we are going to talk about MAC address and how to find it in windows 7 & 8.So lets see . A MAC Address (commonly known as Media access control address) is a number or address which is associated to your Network adapters(Hardware) or it is the address which you need to provide to a router in order to connect to a network.It is also known as Hardware address(since it is associated to Network adapter),Physical address or BIA(Burned in address).Normally MAC address compose of 6 characters which are separated by colons and sometimes '-'.In order to find the MAC address of a particular Network adapter on your PC or laptops follow the 2 ways which are provided below.
1.Open RUN using Administrative rights(Recommended) and type "cmd" in it.
2.Now in the cmd type "ipconfig /all" and hit enter.Now a list of network address will be shown.
3.From the list find "Physical address" under network adapters.The physical address is nothing but your MAC address which is associated to the network adapters.
4.In order to save the list on your desktop enter the following command in the CMD.
1.In order to get only list of "Physical address" type "getmac" in the cmd and hit enter and you will see the list as shown below.
2.In order to save the list of physical address enter the below command in the cmd.
ipconfig /all > %UserProfile%\Desktop\yashwanthMAC.txt
1.In order to get only list of "Physical address" type "getmac" in the cmd and hit enter and you will see the list as shown below.
2.In order to save the list of physical address enter the below command in the cmd.
getmac > %UserProfile%\Desktop\yashwanthmac.txt
1.Click on network icon in the taskbar and then click on "Open network and sharing center" or click on
start button>Control Panel>Network and Internet>Network and Sharing Center
2.Now click on the network for which you want to find the MAC address or physical address.
3.After clicking on the network a window will pop up.From the pop up window click on "details".Now a window will pop up named "Network connection status".In that window you can find the physical address associated to that network.
That's it friends i hope you enjoyed this article,If you have any queries regarding any topic feel free to ask us through comments and have a nice day.
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