Hi guys in this tutorial i am gonna show you how to install Backtrack 5r3 using virtual box.This tutorial is only for Educational purpose,Don't try to use it in a wrong way.Before going into the discussion let see what exactly backtrack means?Backtrack is an operating system which is developed especially for hackers and other security professionals.Mostly if we want to hack a wifi password i.e WEP or WPA or if we want to do phishing we need certain tools to do it.But Backtrack reduces this burden as it contains a bag full of hacking software's like gerex,Social engineering tools and many more.So lets install backtrack 5 r3 using virtual box.
1.Install the Virtual box and open it.Steps:
- Backtrack(CLICK HERE).
- Virtualbox(CLICK HERE).
2.Now we see a screen like below.
3.Click on New button and a window will up asking to type the name,Type and version.Select the type as 'linux' and version as 'oracle' as shown below and hit next.
4. Now allocate the memory size.I suggest you leave it as it is.If you face any issue regarding RAM increase it to 800MB.
5.Select "Create a virtual hard drive now" and hit 'create' as shown below.
6.Choose the hard drive file type.I recommend you leave the settings as it is and hit 'next'.
7.Now choose "Dynamically allocated" as shown below.
8.Now you need to allocate the size of the virtual hard drive.You can change it from 12 GB to 2 GB if you are worried about memory.
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9.Now you will see a new virtual machine in the virtual box.In order to launch the virtual machine,hit the start button as shown below.
10.As we are opening the virtual machine for the first time, we need to browse to Backtrack ISO file as shown below and hit start.
11.After selecting the file you will see a black screen,in that press enter.
12.Select the "Default backtrack text mode" and press enter.
13.Now you will be redirected to the terminal window.If you are a terminal wizard you can do it from here.If you want to use as windows i.e Graphical user interface type "startx"
in the terminal window.
14.Now you will be redirected to GUI in 30 sec and you will see the screen as shown below.
That's it friends now install the backtrack on virtual box and enjoy its features.If you have any queries feel free to ask us through comments.
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