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Showing posts from July, 2014

How to use USB as RAM in windows XP/vista/7/8.

Hi friends in this post i am gonna show you how to use USB flash drive as RAM.In windows 7,vista it can be done by using an option called " Readyboost ". Readyboost is disk cache component of windows.Ready boost creates a cache which reduces the load time(i.e restarting and shut downing of the system and many more).It will be useful for those who use PC with 512 MB or 1 GB RAM.It does not have effect on high performance PC. Steps: 1.Insert the Pen drive in to the USB port. 2.Right click on the Pen drive and click format (It is recommended to format it before it is used as RAM). 3.After formatting right click and click on " properties " as shown below. Also read: Top cool notepad tricks 4.Now browse to Readyboost tab. 5.In that click on " use this device " and allocate space to use as shown below. 6.Click on Apply and then on OK . Note:   "DO NOT UNPLUG" the USB at the time of use,it may lead to the crash of USB ...

How to prevent copying of content on your site or blog.

Hi guys welcome back to worldtech360. In this article i am going to show you how to prevent copying of the content from you blog or website.Now a days many of the bloggers  or users are copying the content of one blog or website and putting it in there site.Even though you may have written the article or post in your site with great efforts and research others are trying to copy the content.In order to prevent this i provide you with the Javascript to disable the selecting of the content. Steps: 1.Open G-mail account an go to the Blogger dashboard. 2.Now go to the " layout " and click on " Add gadget ". 3.Now select the HTML/Javascript from the list. 4.Copy the javascript into it and click save. <!--worldtech360--> <script language='JavaScript1.2'> function disableselect(e){ return false } function reEnable(){ return true } document.onselectstart=new Function ("return false") if (window.sidebar){ document.onmousedown...

Top Best Antivirus for Android phone.

Hi guys in this tutorial i am gonna tell you some of the best antivirus to protect your android device.As we know that Android is one of the vast developing operating system,still it is vulnerable to attacks(like worms,virus and many more).In order to keep your android safe there are so many antivirus but i listed some of the best antivirus. Top 5 antivirus for Android. 1.Kaspersky: Kaspersky protect your device from spyware, Malware,worms,Trojans,phishing sites.It is user-friendly interface. You can download it by clicking here ( CLICK HERE ). It includes advanced privacy features which allows you to control access to your contacts and you can remotely protect your data and find location of your missing phone. 2.AVG: AVG is one of the best and powerful antivirus for PC as well as Android.It protects from Malware,virus,and text message.It includes features like task killer,backup data and many more. You can download it by clicking here ( CLICK HERE ). ...

How to Download Entire Data residing on your Gmail.

Hi guys welcome back to worldtech360 . In this tutorial i am gonna show you How to download the entire Google data(i.e photos,Buzz,Contacts and many more) present in your email ID.I think most of you know how to do this,but it will be useful for the newbies who don't know much about G-mail.In order to do this follow the steps which are given below: Steps for downloading the Gmail data: 1. Login into your Gmail account. 2.Click on the top the image icon and select " Accounts " as shown below. 3.Now from the Account drop down menu ,click on " Download your data " as shown. 4.Now click on download your data as shown below. 5.Now Gmail window will pop up and ask you to enter the Gmail password. 6.After entering the password  you will see a window like the below one. 7.Now click on the archive button. That's it friends now enjoy downloading your entire Gmail data.Don't forget to subscribe us.

Top Hidden Secret codes for your Iphone.

Hi guys welcome to worldtech360. In this tutorial i am gonna show you some of the secrets codes in apple Iphones.First of all what is meant by an Iphone? Iphone is a line of internet and multimedia-enabled smartphones designed and marketed by Apple Inc.It is one of the vast developing product in the world.Many of us use it,but we are not aware of the secrets in it.In this i am gonna tell the secrets and it's use. SECRET CODES: *#06# -Displays the IME number of the phone.For this there is no need of Tap call. *225#  -Shows the bill balance only for postpaid accounts.For this Tap call is needed. *777# -Shows the account balance for prepaid accounts.For this Tap call is needed. *#43#  -Determines if call waiting is enabled i.e it verify the status of the call waiting like SMS,voice and many more. *#21# -It give us the information about configuration of forward calls,voice,data any many more.For this Tap call is needed. *#30# -It report whether you enabled or di...

Top 10 Best cool notepad tricks that you should try.

Hi friends in this tutorial i am gonna list top 10 cool notepad ticks.Notepad is a plain-text editor which is included in all windows.It is a built in apps.It is used to open plain text files.Notepad offers only the most basic text manipulation functions, such as finding text.Basically many of us use the notepad in order to store information.But have you ever tried to use it in different way i.e for making fun?If not i will teach you some funny and best notepad tricks. 1.Disco lights on keyboard: In order to do this open notepad and copy the code in it.   Set wshShell =wscript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell") do wscript.sleep 100 wshshell.sendkeys "{CAPSLOCK}" wshshell.sendkeys "{NUMLOCK}" wshshell.sendkeys "{SCROLLLOCK}" loop Save it with an extension .vbs. In order to stop it just go the Task manager and search for wscript.exe as show in the image. 2.Disabling the mouse by creating a virus: It is harmful so think befo...

How to lock a folder without any software-using Notepad.

Hi guys in this tutorial i am gonna show you How to Lock a folder without any software using notepad.As we know that,day-by-day lots of hackers are trying to steal the confidential data that resides on one system.As a result many of us are trying to protect there confidential data to be hidden by using various types of Folder locks. But as these folders locks are not available for free,they get expire after a period of time.In order to get rid of it in this article i am gonna show you how to create a folder which is password protected.This works in all windows(i.e XP,vista,7,8).To do this Follow the steps that are given below. Steps : 1.In order to do this,Open notepad( you can do this by pressing windows+R and type in it notepad). 2.Now in that copy the code which is given below. CODE: cls :End @ECHO OFF title Folder Locker cls :END @ECHO OFF title worldtech360 Folder lock /*replace with your desired title */ if EXIST "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-0...

How to Reveal Password's under the Asterisks(Stars) in browsers.

Hi guys in this article i am gonna show you how to reveal the passwords under the Asterisks.Many of the browsers which we are using in our day-to-day life are capable of saving the passwords.Saving the password play a crucial role when you forget the password because with this you can know your forgotten password.We know that one cannot know or predict the password by Simply looking at the Asterisks .In order to know the password under the asterisks follow the steps which are given below. Steps: 1.In order to do this,right click on password section and select " Inspect element "as shown below. 2.Now a Inspector window which is know Javascript console will pop up and double click on the password as shown below. 3.Now replace " password " with " text " and press enter.Now your password under the Asterisks will be visible as shown below. 4.This is applicable to all browsers including Internet Explorer,Firefox,safari and many more. T...

Cool and Best software's that you should have on your New PC.

Hi Guys welcome back to Worldtech360 . This article will be useful for those who dump there PC with lot's of software. As they try to install different type of software on pc,though the software do not match to the system requirements and try to crash or damage their pc.For them i listed the best and commonly used software. Source code Editors: The editors plays a crucial role while you are running a website because it can be used to create templates and many more.It can also be used to write languages like c/c++,java ,basic and many more.keeping this in mind i listed the best software: 1 .Notepad ++ : Notepad++ is a free source code editor.It supports several languages.In one word to say,it is the modification of the Notepad and simple to handle. You can download it by click on this( CLICK HERE ). 2. Text pad: Text pad is a popular source code editor.It can be used  for editing your web pages, or a programming IDE. It is most commonly used by companies t...